OPEN TALK 2.0 with Corina Șuteu

OPEN TALK community debates are back in Masca Theatre’s program. This season’s moderator is Corina Șuteu, cultural consultant, cultural policy expert, theater critic and cultural manager.

This season, the focus is on cultural dynamics and the interaction between culture, education and the environment, complementing the participatory design project, HELIX for Masca Theatre, that we initiated this summer. Thus, OPEN TALK 2.0 includes a section of debate forums dedicated: one, to young actors who have recently graduated from university and who are finding their career path with increasing difficulty, and another dedicated to art universities and the adaptation of their programs to today’s reality of artistic vocations.

See you at Open Talk every last or penultimate Thursday of the month!

The seventh meeting of this season will take place on Thursday, March 20, at 19:00, at the theater in Bd. Uverturii nr. 14. The topic of this month’s debate is “Art criticism on digital platforms”, and the guests are Mihaela Michailov, Ștefan Baghiu and Monica Jitariuc .

This discussion is inspired by the frequency and vibrancy of the reactions created by another La Liber conversation, this one about theater criticism. This time we will discuss digital platforms and their effect on art criticism in general.

“Although it has opened the doors to seemingly limitless possibilities of promotion and dissemination, social media has at the same time acted as a subtle inhibitor of the reading of the written text outside the platforms”, notes Ștefan Baghiu in his provocative text “Clout, reach & echo chambers: platform capitalism and the radicalism of literary criticism”.

Is that so? Is this what happened with the rest of art criticism? A conversation with a playwright, a philologist and a specialist in communication (digital and otherwise) will shed more light or intrigue us further on the subject.

A new OPEN TALK at Masca Theater. We hope it will create some sparks, on digital platforms and not only there. (Corina Șuteu)

The event is free of charge, subject to availability. Seat reservations can be made through:

  • email to;
  • fill in the form below;
  • directly at the Masca Theater box office.

Your reservation becomes valid after you receive a confirmation.